Preeti to Unicode Converter | Nepali Preeti Font Coverter

Posted By: Unknown | 6:05 AM |

Preeti to Unicode

Preeti to Unicode - This preeti to unicode converter converts tradational nepali font preeti to unicode, which is widely used in email and internet. Any Nepali font in nepali unicode is easily displayed in any computer machine. It is good idea to convert preeti font to unicode before sending or publishing any document in email or internet which are in preeti font.

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About unicode and preeti to unicode

What is Unicode? Unicode is a uniform encoding for the different type of font all over the world. The word "Unicode" is a unique, unified, universal encoding. It is a set of unique code to represent the visual art, here the unicode visual art represent the text character set. Unicode has fixed set of code chart for all the character. Example to represent unicode, here to dispaly character "a" there is unique set of code, which is called unicode.What is Nepali unicode? It is a unicode. Nepali unicode is unique or fixed set of code to display Nepali font or character. What is preeti to unicode converter?Tradational preeti font converted to nepali unicode.

Get preeti to unicode

Place this code once for nepali unicode plugin/widget wherever you want the preeti to unicode converter to appear on your website. It is free and run 24/7 with 100% uptime guarantee.

Note: Don't remove copyright link to nepali unicode website. This is the only pay back to developer for using Nepali Unicode.
Preeti to unicode widget feautres:
Responsive, Light weight, Readable nepali unicode, HTML Encoded Unicode, Changable width and height.

Widget sample of preeti to unicode converter

Preeti to Unicode will look as follows on your website. Width and height are changable. This widget is responsive so this converter widget fit nicely on your website.
If you want to make this preety to unicode converter widget fixed, use px instade of % in width value. To use this, copy code from left.

Web Applicatons