Nepali Time - Current Time in Nepal

Posted By: Unknown | 5:38 AM |

Nepali Time

Nepali Time is 5hr 45min ahead than GMT. GMT is called Greenwich Mean Time because it is measured from the Greenwich Meridian Line also called Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude) at the Roayl observatery in Greenwich London . It is the plase where all the time zones are calculated. Greenwich Meridian Time is espceially used by bodies associated with the United Kingdom like BBC World Service, The Roayl Navy, The Met office. GMT is same as UTC(Coordinated Universal Time). Even in our Nepali time and date, Nepali Calendar I have used GMT as a reference point of time. Some people use the names Z or Zulu and UTC or Universal Time Coordinates instead of GMT. GMT, Z, Zulu and UTC all mean the same thing - the current time at the Prime Meridian.

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About nepali time widget
Here are some formats that you can use to show Nepali time on any website by getting code from below. You can change the font size and font color to match on your website, however the default font size and color are set to best match on your websites. If you wish to change, it can be found inside the code and it's denoted by "font_size=12" for font size and "font_color=333333" for font color. Where 12 is default value for font size and 333333 is default value for color. Also you can play with the iframe height and width, however the default values are set to be best fit. One more thing, time and date is independent of clint computer and it takes value from server and converted to Nepali time and date.

Get nepali time on your website

Copy this code and paste anywhere in your webpage where you want to display Current Nepali time. Choose form the following format as you need in your webpage.

Format 1 Time and date static two line

Format 2  Time and date dynamic two line

Format 3 Time and date dynamic single line

Format 4  Date only single line without B.S text

Please don't forget to provide credit to nepali time at ( This will be great pay back for us. Thank you.

Format 1 Preview : Time and date static two line( without second) 

Format 2 Preview : Time and date dynamic two line

Format 3 Preview :  Time and date dynamic single line

Format 4 Preview:   Date only single line without B.S text

Get nepali time styled on your website

Copy this code and paste anywhere in your webpage where you want to display Current Nepali time. Choose form the following format as you need in your webpage. Preview are shown on right.

Format 5 Time and date dynamic two line

Format 6 Time and date dynamic single line

Format 7:  Nepali patro badge widget.
Get nepali patro badge widget from

Please don't forget to provide credit to nepali time at ( from you website. This will be great pay back for us. Thank you.

If you need custom styled nepali time widget for your website then please mail us here with you website address and positon where you want to display nepali time. We appreciate your feedback and enquiries.

Format 5 Preview: Time and date dynamic two line

Format 6 Preview :  Time and date dynamic single line

Format 7:  Nepali patro badge widget live preview :